Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Power Bases For Miracles

We are going to talk to you about invoking a power for the incomprehensible.Jesus talked about God and that with Him ALL things are possible.
This premise by Jesus Christ is worrying to many as they do not actually see it does happen.
Probably we think we have tried more than enough to have seen so many impossibles happening if not ALL the possibilities.
It is unsearchable the wisdom and thought of God but as we get closer into an intimate relationship with Him,some mysteries of how he does things can be unearthed.
We have got two scenarios for us to consider.
Talking about miracles I believe that most of us if not all expect to experience some,however we do need to understand that the dynamism of how God operates need to be understood.
When you take the Bible account in Exodus 14:21 "Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea ,and The Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided"
This is when Israel crossed the Red Sea.
As we also consider another gospel account at Joshua3:11-17 we realise that this time there was the parting of waters but with a different approach.
What needs to be understood here is the fact that in all this there was the presence of God.Miracles happened.
We therefore make this submission that invoking the presence of God in whatever situation can guarantee a miracle.
Begin today and it shall be well with you.
We love you with the love of God.
Beloved do remember that it not over until it is all over
Stay blessed

Joshua Owuraku Kudolo & Georgia Corley

Please share with others.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A world On Its Knees

Whoever says that there is nothing wrong with our world may be living in complete fantasy.We may not be all centarians in other to believe that indeed the world is on its knees.History and recent events give credence to this submission.
In every segment of life in our current world,there is always a need to perform at least a risk assessment of some sort before embarking on a mission.
A world and society of fragile elements.
Biblically scenarios of this nature happened and it took the strong in faith for God to rebuild broken cities and nations.
Ezra 4:1-5 mentioned about adversaries trying to "help" rebulid the temple for God.
Did the house of Judah actually need that help?
It took a few who knew the strenghth of their conviction to maintain their faith.
This world needs fixing and it can be done ,yes IT CAN.
We need to go back to the manufacturer and with Jesus on our side,we will make it great.
Stay blessed and remember
It is not over until it is all over.

Joshua Owuraku & Georgia Corley

Please pass this on to other loved ones